Lecture 10:

MM in paediatric health

  • Dr. Anneke Thren

    Specialist in Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Orthopedics
    Diploma Osteopathic Medicine D.O.M.
    Chirotherapy/Manual Medicine for Children
    Atlas Therapy according to Arlen

Department for Paediatric and Neuro-Orthopedics, Hannover Medical School, Germany
Doctor for Paediatric Orthopaedics, Kinderorthopädie am Pferdeturm, Hannover, Germany


The process of children growing up and becoming increasingly mobile is defined by a number of important milestones which are essential to their development. Dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system and related problems can impair the central nervous system and compromise their healthy development and wellbeing. Babies experience these issues more seriously than older children and adults. Learning to detect dysfunctions early by identifying pathological motoric and behavioural patterns can help determine effective treatment approaches in a timely manner. Manual medicine offers diagnostic techniques and therapeutic approaches which can make an important difference in development and can help to treat orthopaedic disorders more effectively.

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1996 Doctor of medicine

2001 Competence Chirotherapy

2006 Atlas therapy acc. to Arlen

2007 Competence of Manual Medicine for Infants and Children

2007 Specialist in Paediatric Surgery

2014 Additional Competence in Paediatric Orthopedics

2015 Instructor of Manual Medicine for Infants and Children and Atlas therapy according to Arlen

2016 Training 'general movements' in Hannover (Prof.Einspieler, Graz)

2017 Diploma Osteopathic Medicine D.O.M.

2017 Diploma Osteopathic Medicine of the European Register for Osteopathic Medicine EROP

2017 own Practice for Paediatric Orthopaedics

2018 Master Course Series Paediatric Osteopathy