Lecture 5:

How do we measure the outcome in patients with musculoskeletal pain?

  • Dr. Berit Schøttz-Christensen, PhD

    Internal Medicine and Rheumatology
    Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicin
    Certified in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
    Diploma ‘Den Syddanske Forbedringsmodel’ (Virginia Mason Concept)

University of Southern Denmark
Department of Regional Health Research

Odense, Denmark


During years we have focused on pain scores and disability-level as the outcome among MSK-patients, without taking into account that the individual patient may have different conditions wish has to be taken into account describing their overall health situation. WHO has proposed the framework of the International Classification of Function (ICF) to be used to describe all conditions to be taken into consideration. This framework is premature and has to be validated in a clinical setting.

The framework and the initiatives to use the framework in the daily clinic will be subject to the presentation.

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1997 International research fellowship, UCSD, San Diego

2001 Phd Monitoring the clinical course of patients referred for diagnostic suspected having lumbar herniated disc, Aarhus University

2002-2005 Associated Postgraduate Professor, Aarhus University

2005-2007 Associated Pregraduate Professor, Aarhus University

2003-2007 Chief physician, University Hospital Aarhus

2008-2013 Owner of Clinic of Rheumatology Aarhus, 2008-2013

2014-2020 Head of Medical Research and Professor, Spine Centre of Southern Denmark

2014 Professor, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark

2018 Vicepresident of the Danish Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine

2019 Scientific director of IAMMM