Lecture 2
Straight leg traction (SLT) sign. A new clinical sign for diagnosing vertebral fractures
- Dr Iván Ortega Moreno
Doctor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Doctor of Medicine
Olympia Medical Center, Madrid, SPAIN
We try to validate the SLT (Straight leg traction) sign, first described by Dr. Miguel Noriega as a spondylogenic sign for the diagnosis of clinical vertebral fracture.
The test of 74 patients treated at Clínica Cemtro with a possible vertebral fracture was studied.
Sensitivity and specificity of the test were studied. The positive predictive value and negative predictive value were studied.
The traction on the straight leg can be validated as a simple clinical test to confirm vertebral fractures in women over 65 years of age and can even be referred to as a pathognomic sign of dorsolumbar vertebral fracture.
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2012 Doctor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
2009-2011 Master in Manual Medicine at the the Complutense University of Madrid
Doctor of Medicine: "Refractory treatment of chronic tendinopathies with focal shockwave treatment"
2018-2022 FIFA Excellence Medical Center, Clinica Cemtro Madrid, Spain
Currently working at Olympia Medical Centre in Madrid with Dr. Leyes and Dr. Flores team